"Dying Germany has only one item on its bucket list, and that is redemption. The Germans cannot seek redemption from the crimes of their grandparents because they do not understand what motivated them to do such terrible things."
"For Merkel and most of Germany's elite, the appearance on Germany's threshold of millions of Muslim refugees is a final chance at redemption, an opportunity for Germany to redeem itself from the crimes of its past through a transcendent act of selflessness."
"For Merkel and most of Germany's elite, the appearance on Germany's threshold of millions of Muslim refugees is a final chance at redemption, an opportunity for Germany to redeem itself from the crimes of its past through a transcendent act of selflessness."
Actually, it's more like a transcendent act of suicide.
It's Germany putting itself out of its own misery.
The political left is a nihilistic philosophy wherein all roads glorify and lead to death.
Thus, the German, and indeed, the European suicide by Muslim invasion is the logical culmination of that nihilism.
The Muslim invasion is simply suicide by a crescent-shaped bullet in the back of Europe's collective head, putting it out of its misery once and for all.