None whatsoever.
That's mostly because it's not the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict. It's a religious conflict between Islam and Judaism (in particular) and the non-Islamic world (in general). There is no diplomatic solution. Some problems have no solution. This is a war. A real war and there can only be one winner if Israel is to survive.
There can be victory or defeat, or ongoing containment with a very heavy price.
Rush puts it thus:
"When one of the combatants has in, essentially, their constitution --
they call it a charter, but their constitution -- the elimination,
eradication, the demolishing, the abolishment of the Jewish state, there
is no diplomatic solution to that. And yet every day we get breathless
reporters working and reporting on the next proposal as though this
might be the magic moment."
"And there isn't a magic moment, because there is not a diplomatic
solution. It's not possible. And especially if you send somebody over
there like Kerry, who's got his own agenda for his own legacy and his
own bio and what have you. Ditto Obama. So Kerry wants a ceasefire.
What happens in ceasefires is that the bad guys take advantage of the
time-out to retool, to regroup, and rearm."
"It is a fact that the two parties involved here have a different
definition of peace. To Hamas and the Palestinians, peace is a
momentary lull in the normal state of affairs, which is war. That is
normalcy for them. They raise their children on it. They strap bombs
on their children to go blow themselves up in Israel and bus depots and
on buses and in schools. War is their way of life."
"I think they push for a ceasefire because they all want to be seen as brokers of peace."
(I actually think it's much worse, they identify with Hamas, and not with Israel.)
"Somebody... They all got this dream of being the guy who finally
brought peace to the Middle East. They all have that much hubris, they
all have that kind of ego to think they -- with the power of their
personality and their ideas (and the fact that they served in Vietnam)
-- can bring to these negotiations elements that others have never had.
Every one of these guys thinks they have the magic bullet, and there
isn't one, if it is involved in diplomacy."
"Obama Was Rude and Hostile Talking to Bibi Netanyahu"
No such hostility or rudeness to the jihadist butchers of Hamas.
I would love to see the transcript. Israel's Channel One apparently has it. The three photos are screenshots of the Hebrew transcription. If anyone sees a link with the actual transcript, please send it to me.