If any Jew on this planet gives a single cent to the ADL they are an idiot and morally bankrupt.
Mirza was a member of the ADL Seder’s planning committee. ADL New
England’s Executive Director Robert Trestan personally introduced Bilal
at the podium and asked “those of you who came here with children, those
of you who have kids at home” to consider sending them to the
interfaith summer camp for some quality time with Bilal. After taking
the podium, Bilal proceeded to quote a Quranic verse traditionally
interpreted as rebuking Jews for deviating from divine truth."
"These are not the kinds of things that ADL advertises when it sends out the fundraising letters that annually help it net close to $50 million of precious Jewish communal capital. When Bubbe sends that donation check believing ADL’s promises to fight the anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism her grandchildren face on campus, little does she know that ADL is using her hard-earned retirement savings to bring anti-Semites and Israel haters literally into its own tents, giving them career-boosting cover in the process."
More home-grown Jewish idiocy here.