Sunday, January 3, 2016

Rex Murphy: "Should It Be Trump Versus Clinton in 2016, It Will Be Great Fun"


Read the whole thing. 

"Normally, reverberating feminist truisms would deserve neither ink nor air, but American politics is no longer normal. Donald Trump is its ringmaster now. Brash, egotistic and determined to play by no rules but his own, Trump has bulldozed the conventional understanding of how politics is to be played, what may be said and how to deal with opponents."

"Any well-mannered candidate, say a Mitt Romney or a John McCain, would never have the gall to point out that Clinton’s words do not accord with her past practices. Or to bring up the seamy conduct of her famous mate, Bill Clinton, from his sexual escapades in Arkansas to the White House, from Jennifer Flowers to Juanita Broderick to Paul Jones and Monica Lewinsky. So familiar was this pattern, to Hillary and to those who supported her and Bill, that their campaigns had a whole team to deal with the big dog’s meanderings from the marital couch."

"But Donald Trump does not have any good manners. He may not have any manners at all. He goes, as many have written already, where angels fear to tread and where no man — at least no Republican — has gone before. Hillary Clinton’s pious genuflection to the current mores on sexual assault was duly noted, and then Trump decided to take particular notice."