"What has happened to put discussion of Islam’s rape culture out of bounds? Crime statistics in Europe are daily documenting the scope of the problem, but no one in the establishment press is reporting them."
Sunday, January 3, 2016
"Political Correctness Protects Muslim Rape Culture"
"An epidemic of rape cases across Europe has police in the U.K., Norway, Sweden, Germany and other nations worried. But you won’t hear much about it in the U.S. mainstream media because the epidemic is a byproduct of the influx into Europe of a million, mostly Muslim, migrants."
"What has happened to put discussion of Islam’s rape culture out of bounds? Crime statistics in Europe are daily documenting the scope of the problem, but no one in the establishment press is reporting them."
"As a political matter, liberals and advocates of unrestricted Muslim immigration want desperately to censor open discussion and debate on the Muslim rape culture and related problems. They do this by labeling any dissent from open borders as an outbreak of racism and religious intolerance."
"What has happened to put discussion of Islam’s rape culture out of bounds? Crime statistics in Europe are daily documenting the scope of the problem, but no one in the establishment press is reporting them."