Sunday, June 17, 2012


Your moral and intellectual superiors. 

Behold: the roasting of the cult of diversity narcissism within higher education.

"University administrators have become addicted to courses in identity and diversity, courses that invite students to look inward. University catalogues fill up with invitations to study “Ethnicity, identity and community” and “Gender, race and class” and “Sexuality studies.” The effect, so far as I’ve been able to glimpse it, is to intensify the raging narcissism that society already encourages in adolescents."


"In this atmosphere, unabashed egomania seems acceptable, possibly mandatory. Then students find themselves in university courses where they’re expected to ask not only “Who am I?” but also “How well am I treated?” and “Are my rights respected?” and “Why is this happening to me?” At the root of all this is a shift in the emphasis of universities from traditional subjects to academic brooding. Students contemplate their feelings in the belief that they are being educated."