Benjamin Netanyahu-not so tough on terrorism?
This is a disgusting tale.
May Malki's memory be a blessing, for those of you who have never heard of it-there is Keren Malki and in order to honour Malki's memory, her parents set up a foundation that helps families of severely disabled children in Israel (of all religions) keep their kids at home by funding paramedical home therapies and respite care.
Frimet Roth writes for the Jerusalem Post as well, and Arnold Roth used to be a commenter on that blog that many of us used to hang out at before it went crazy left...Somehow she musters the strength to continue to write and expose the despicable obtuseness we find in our leaders, and what can only be seen as a soft-tolerance for terrorism found in Israel amongst certain politicians.
We Jews can be our own worst enemies.
When we don't value the lives of our own people, and our own children why should anyone else?