Do read the whole thing.
"About 15,000 people are murdered in the U.S. every year. More than
38,000 die of drug overdoses, half of them from prescription drugs. More
than 40 percent of babies are born out of wedlock. Despite the runaway
success of "midnight basketball," a healthy chunk of those children go
on to murder other children, rape grandmothers, bury little girls alive
-- and then eat a sandwich. A power-mad president has thrown
approximately 10 percent of all Americans off their health insurance --
the rest of you to come! All our elite cultural institutions laugh at
virginity and celebrate promiscuity."
"So no, there's nothing for a Christian to do here."
"If Dr. Brantly had practiced at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles
and turned one single Hollywood power-broker to Christ, he would have
done more good for the entire world than anything he could accomplish in
a century spent in Liberia. Ebola kills only the body; the virus of
spiritual bankruptcy and moral decadence spread by so many Hollywood
movies infects the world."
"America is the most consequential nation on Earth, and in desperate need
of God at the moment. If America falls, it will be a thousand years of
darkness for the entire planet."