Tuesday, August 5, 2014

He Who Owns the Language Owns the Argument: No "Climate Denial" Clients for World's Biggest PR Agencies

Climate change "deniers" not wanted as clients for world's biggest PR agencies. 

Imagine you are a company, ready to write a cheque to a PR company and then you get this little survey in the mail:
  • Does your company acknowledge the threat and challenge of climate change as companies like Walmart, CocaCola, Apple, Google, AIG, Swiss Re, NRG, Unilever and others have done?
  • Does your company have any internal carbon accounting policies or energy use reduction targets? Have you taken actions to reduce your “carbon footprint”?
  • Does your company have an internal Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy regarding climate change or the environment generally?
  • Has your agency advised any client corporations on communications around CSR programmes with a specific climate change focus, or on other climate change related public relations efforts?
I'd tell them to stuff it.

Looks like there is a developing market for non-lunatic PR agencies, who are just interested, you know-in making money and doing their jobs.