Tuesday, November 5, 2013

British Judge Claims He Is "Powerless" to Null Forced Marriage 14 Year Old Girl

The parents have been British citizens for several decades. 

The judge, "from Planet Eton" according to the comments, is claiming he is powerless.

 "The teenager, who was born in Britain and whose family has lived here for 40 years, says she was shipped out to Pakistan to contract a forced marriage with a 24-year-old man two years ago."

"She told how she was subjected to 'harrowing' violence and menaced with a gun to go through with the ceremony - and was two weeks later forced to have sex with her ‘husband’, giving birth to his baby who is now aged just over one."
So now she is 17, with a one year old son, parents who forced her into an abusive marriage and an abusive husband.


Her days, I fear, are numbered.
This is disgusting.