So, remind me why we need more of these charming folks in Canada?
Remind me why liberal Jews like to have the Roma as their new pets that make them feel so damned good about themselves?
"...the media have served up sob stories like one
put out by the Associated Press last year:"
“The camps weren’t much to
begin with….Rats ran rampant and fleas gnawed on young and old
alike….But they were home – and they were better than the new reality
for thousands of Gypsies who have been forced into hiding after France
launched its latest campaign this week to drive them from their camps.”
"Rarely, it seems, do the journalists responsible for this sort of drivel
ever ask the gypsies questions like: “Um, if you’re going to live in
this place, why can’t you at least try to keep it sanitary?”
"No, it’s
almost always either implied or stated outright that, if the gypsies
live in such filth, it’s because they’re poor and oppressed; virtually
never is it acknowledged that this way of life is a fundamental element
of gypsy culture."
How bad has it gotten in the UK?
"How bad have things gotten in Page Hall? Here’s how bad: as the Daily Mail noted
on Tuesday, “the local Pakistani community association is running
‘official’ warden patrols between 8pm and 10pm every weekday with the
intention of ‘educating’ the Roma population about ‘how to behave in
"(If it weren’t so tragic, it would be funny.)"