Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Must Read: The American People Don't Like Tyrants, Even Smooth-Talking Harvard Educated Ones


"The president’s response to the embarrassment of the eponymous legislation he shoved down the throats of the American people is one of the most disturbing occurrences of his administration."
"Since Magna Carta in 1215, a test of legitimacy has been the extent to which the sovereign is subject to the laws of the land.  Obama is not a sovereign, exactly, but he acts as though he were above the law, that the law (like taxes) were something to be imposed on the rest of us but which he and his magic circle of apparatchiks could ignore or “delay” or partially implement at their pleasure. "
"I suspect that one of the reasons Obama’s approval rating is in free fall is because of his obvious surprise and petulance in his public encounters over the disaster of Obamacare.  He has made some grudging half apologies, but it is clear that the only thing he is sorry about is that he cannot — not yet, anyway — simply decree what happens with health care in this country. "
"He believes himself above the law and is impatient about finding a means of achieving that discretion.  For our own good, of course."
"Many observers on the Right have long known this about Obama.  Suddenly, though, it is out there for all to see. The American people don’t like tyrants, even smooth-talking, Harvard-educated ones. The great trek away from Obama and what he stands for — above all, government unlimited — has begun.  The journey will not be pretty, but I think it is all but certain to continue."