A Swedish Jew as filed asylum from Sweden because Sweden is a Jew-hating country.
"EU statutes provide that asylum be granted to persons with
“well-founded reasons to fear persecution due to race; nationality;
religious or political beliefs; gender; sexual orientation; or
affiliation to a particular social group.” Jews in Sweden meet these
criteria, and should be eligible for the same protection and support
extended to non-natives."
"And so today, November 18, I am legally filing for refugee status and
asylum—not in America, not in Israel, but here in Sweden, my own
"Absurd? No doubt. I can only expect that my application will be
summarily dismissed. But the situation is beyond absurdity, beyond
op-eds and strongly worded letters of protest. The situation calls for
action. I would like to think that in making this statement, I am
fighting on behalf of Swedish Jewry as a whole for the right to live a
religious life, to preserve our cultural identity, and to be who we are
without fear of persecution—the same rights enshrined in the UN’s
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and guaranteed in the Swedish
constitution. Is Sweden, is Europe as a whole, truly no longer willing
to enforce its own standards of justice where European Jews are
concerned? "