This is what is called a total and utter op-ed evisceration.
You must read the whole thing.
Via Sohrab Ahmari.
"Abraham Lincoln spoke greatly because he
read wisely and thought deeply. He turned to
he once said, "perhaps as frequently as any unprofessional
reader." "It matters not to me whether Shakespeare be well or ill
acted," he added. "With him the thought suffices."
"Maybe Mr. Obama has similar literary tastes. It doesn't show."
"An economy built to last,"
the refrain from his 2012 State of the Union, borrows from an ad slogan
once used to sell the Ford Edsel.
"Nation-building at home," another
favorite presidential trope, was born in a
Tom Friedman
"We are the ones we have been waiting for" is the title
of a volume of essays by
Alice Walker.
"The audacity of hope" is adapted from a
Jeremiah Wright
"Yes We Can!" is the anthem from "Bob the Builder," a TV
cartoon aimed at 3-year-olds."