Thursday, November 7, 2013

Clinton Advisor Sid Blumenthal Very Busy Defending His Son's "Israelis Are Nazis" Book

Left eats left!


Apparently, Pappa Bear is really pissed that the book has been described as being something that could have been written by the Hamas Book of the Month Club. 

“The thing about Sidney is that he’s absolutely obsessed with his enemies and his way of communicating and dealing with his obsession is that he sends out emails to this very elite list of liberal journalists mostly,” said one source who has been on Blumenthal’s list.

The original review can be found here.

The latest from Alterman, talking about the witch hunt that he is being subjected to.

"Blumenthal and his allies have seen fit to launch a campaign of character assassination against me as a result of my criticisms of the book. (I did not criticize Blumenthal personally. Indeed, I have never met him and have nothing to say about him as a person."

"The response to the criticisms in my column by Blumenthal and his allies in the anti-Zionist camp has proven extremely personal in nature and vituperative in character. "

"P.S. I understand that Max’s father, Sid Blumenthal, loves his son and would not enjoy seeing his work so severely criticized. Naturally, I don’t blame him for this, I’m a father myself. Even so, I was disappointed to see Sid sending around scurrilous attacks on yours truly to our mutual friends, just as I thought it a mistake when he did the same thing to Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign. Though to be honest, I don’t mind the company…"