Thursday, November 14, 2013

George Orwell Betrayed: Orwellian Muslim Brotherhood Lover in Suit, Tariq Ramadan Gives Annual Orwell Memorial Lecture

The UK is royally SCREWED.

"...the George Orwell Annual Lecture was given by Tariq Ramadan, a Muslim Brotherhood Islamist stooge who misrepresents his affiliations, on a properly Orwellian topic.  ‘Democratising the Middle East: A New Role for the West’"

"When Tariq Ramadan talks about “democratizing”, he really means allowing a fundamentally undemocratic Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, to take over, in pursuit of its agenda of Islamizing, not Democratizing, the Middle East."

"The Muslim Brotherhood is a totalitarian organization dedicated to taking away everyone’s civil rights while manipulating language. Its self-description as the Freedom and Justice Party turns out to mean slavery and injustice."

"That’s certainly what we think of as Orwellian."