It is a Jewish commandment (mitzvah) to return things to their rightful owners.
This is a great story.
"Muroff, 28, is a Torah teacher at the Yeshiva high school of New
Haven. Yeshiva high schools are not famous for paying huge salaries. The
couple has four children, the oldest of them six years old. This is a
family that pays attention to its budget and watches out for sales when
"But sustenance comes from above, they believe."
God wants us to have the $98,000,” Esther said to her husband, “He’ll
make sure He gets it to us in some other way. God is not limited.”
"The day after they found the money, the couple went to return it to
the woman, packing up all the children for the trip to teach them about
what to do when finding something that isn’t one’s own."
“This is
what’s required of us, and this is what we’re happy to do,” Muroff says,
explaining that this is part of an Orthodox upbringing.
“We’re taught
constantly about keeping in mind the feelings of others.”
From the comments:
"Not Senate material."