Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Love Totally Wins! Except When It Doesn't!

Hey, Supreme Court says #LoveWins!!

So all you awful haters gotta get with the program and LOOOOOOOOVE gay marriage OR ELSE!!!

Mark Steyn says you can have an ISIS-friendly or gay-friendly society, but not both.

To paraphrase, you can have a gay-friendly ISIS-dildo-art-making society OR an ISIS-friendly society but not both. 


"The artist responsible for creating a banner covered in sex toys which was mistaken for an ISIS flag at London's Gay Pride parade said his aim was to ridicule the terror group's ideology."

"Paul Coombs hand-stitched the creation and flew it at the London event on Saturday before police asked him to conceal it over fears for his safety."

"CNN mistook the flag for that of the terror organisation and ran an 'exclusive report'."

So, I think we can reasonably conclude that the formerly Great Britain is choosing the ISIS-friendly society. 

No rainbow flags fly across the Middle East (except of course in Israel). 

They won't be flying for long in Europe. 

Don't say you weren't warned.