Absolutely glorious.
"As he walked out the door of his Kidderminster home in 1944 to serve with the RAF, Tony Clarke's emotional mother cried out: 'I hope you all come back'."
"It was somewhat of an understatement for a woman who'd seen six of her sons head off to war."
"His five older brothers had already left and were spread across the world, over three fronts of the conflict, fighting the Nazis and Japanese in Germany, Italy and Burma."
"Against all the odds, Mrs Clarke's wish came true as all six of her sons made it back unscathed - and amazingly five are still going strong well into their 90s."
"The band of brothers, who each returned with their own startling tales from the conflict, all still live in the county of Worcestershire."
"Herbert, 99, and Tom, 97, live in Bewdley, while Peter, 95, lives in Droitwich, Paul, 92, in Martin Hussingtree and Tony, 90, in their home town of Kidderminster."
Read the comments. They are very insightful, and more than a few comments suggest British Prime Minister consult these fine gentlemen about the current invasion of Europe.