"A widow whose six brothers and Royal Marine husband fought in the Second World War has donated £1,000 to the Justice for Sergeant Blackman appeal."
"Delivering a stark dressing down to military chiefs for their ‘disgusting’ treatment of the ‘heroic’ marine, 90-year-old Margaret Leathers said: ‘The officers who made up the court martial team should be ashamed of themselves."
"All of my family served in the Second World War. I know that if they heard about this case, they would be horrified and disgusted."
"The former civil servant’s exceptionally generous donation joined thousand of others from Mail readers who yesterday offered support to Sergeant Alexander Blackman – the only British serviceman to have been jailed for murder on the battlefield."
This is a disgusting, appalling and shameful act.
You can bet the new caliphate in Britain and the real ISIS caliphate are both delighted by this.