Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Must Watch: Mark Steyn on Free Speech and the Death of the West At the Danish Parliament

Mark Steyn ain't Charlie, baby.

This is a must watch on free speech.

By the way,  in case you hadn't heard, Charlie is dead.

"Patrick Pelloux, 52, a celebrity doctor and long-time Charlie Hebdo columnist, announced at the weekend that he would leave the magazine by the end of the year."

Something has come to an end. Something is finished,” he told a student radio station."

We are survivors, but we are not survivors. Part of us ended with the killings.”

As we see in Europe, something has come to an end indeed. 

And what is starting can only be characterized as the beginning of an end. 

"Something has come to an end. Something is finished." 

The end of Europe, the invasion of Europe. 

It's being trampled underfoot and bred out of existence. 

And instead of seeing the Islamic invasion as an Islamic invasion with it's own intra-Muslim wars, those who see it for what it is will be called hysterical, or "right wing" fanatics. 

The conquest of Europe without firing a single shot. 

"Something has come to an end. Something is finished." 

"Something has come to an end. Something is finished." 

Demographics are destiny. 

Too late for a wall. 

"Something has come to an end. Something is finished." 

Woe unto us.