Sage advice.
"So what should Republicans do? Stand up and lead, obviously. Come
up with programs and put them through the House and Senate. Do away
with Obamacare, either in one gulp or, if that’s not possible,
"But they all should make a monumental and immediate outreach to
African Americans. No group has been so brutally screwed over by the
Democratic Party — and I suspect more than a few of them are beginning
to realize it. Republicans should take this opportunity to come up with
some fresh ideas and communicate with them, and with Latinos, and
Asians, and with women, and break the back of our identity politics that
is so reactionary and divisive, so hurtful to the very people it
pretends to help."
"This victory creates the beginning of an opportunity to end it. It
won’t be easy."
"Identity politics is so deeply entrenched in our culture
sometimes I think we’re a bunch of Shiite tribesman building IEDs south
of Fallujah. But think of this — even a thirty percent inroad by
Republicans into the black vote would change the political landscape of
our country beyond recognition. And it would do so much for all those
minority groups into the bargain."
"Okay, now I’m going to celebrate. But just for a few hours. In the
end, it’s just like tennis. The minute you think you’re ahead, you
start to lose. Stay hungry."