Death threats against Swedish Rabbi after Jerusalem massacre.
Big brave Middle Eastern douchebag attacks 4 year old New Zealand Jewish boy.
Jew attacked while waiting for Brooklyn subway.
Jew stabbed in Belgium.
But let's all focus on this.
Take Action: Speak out in support of protecting the #humanrights of #transgendered peoples #cdnpoli #BillC279
— CIJA (@CIJAinfo) November 20, 2014
That didn't make me very popular!
@nshack @CIJAinfo Is this initiative reciprocal? Meaning, are organized transgendered persons protecting the human rights of Jews? Anything?
— Laura Rosen Cohen (@LauraRosenCohen) November 20, 2014
Or this!
@CIJAinfo Really? You honestly think THIS is a priority for the Jewish community? #insane
— Laura Rosen Cohen (@LauraRosenCohen) November 20, 2014
This is what they really think. Isn't this special?
@LauraRosenCohen Bill #C279 and the protection of #humanrights for all should be a priority for all #Canadians
— CIJA (@CIJAinfo) November 20, 2014