Mark Steyn graciously picks up on my Remembrance Day experience in his post, Lame Ducks, and Lamer Ducking:
"~Laura Rosen Cohen spent the eleventh hour with the General Wingate
Branch 256 of the Royal Canadian Legion. If you don't know who Orde
Wingate was, you should: he was a brilliant (if personally eccentric)
military commander during the Second World War, and a great friend to
the Jews. (His website
is not terribly user-friendly, but do persevere.) The ceremony in
Toronto was as you'd expect - "O Canada", "God Save The Queen", "The
Last Post" - but this part of Laura's report saddened me and would have dismayed Wingate:"
Read the whole thing.
As usual, Mark Steyn connects the dots in a way that no other English language writer alive today is capable of doing. Some may have skill but no courage, others courage but no skill.