Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mark Steyn: "This Part of Laura's Report Saddened Me, And Would Have Dismayed Wingate..." (UPDATED WITH AUDIO)

Mark Steyn graciously picks up on my Remembrance Day experience in his post, Lame Ducks, and Lamer Ducking: 

"~Laura Rosen Cohen spent the eleventh hour with the General Wingate Branch 256 of the Royal Canadian Legion. If you don't know who Orde Wingate was, you should: he was a brilliant (if personally eccentric) military commander during the Second World War, and a great friend to the Jews. (His website is not terribly user-friendly, but do persevere.) The ceremony in Toronto was as you'd expect - "O Canada", "God Save The Queen", "The Last Post" - but this part of Laura's report saddened me and would have dismayed Wingate:"

Read the whole thing.

As usual, Mark Steyn connects the dots in a way that no other English language writer alive today is capable of doing.  Some may have skill but no courage, others courage but no skill.