"Anyone who still believes in “climate change” is likely to be:
a. a
profiteer (like the financial wizards who put together those “carbon
exchanges” a few years back, making off with billions before they went
belly up),
b. a scientist looking for a handout,
c. a bureaucrat or
official of a Third World country looking for a handout,
d. an official
of the UN (virtually the same as c),
e. a moral narcissist, preferably
rich, who thinks he knows better than us idiots, scientific training not
required (cf. Tom Steyer, this year’s George Soros wannabe),
f. a
true-believing liberal camp follower of the sort that doesn’t care when
Nancy Pelosi says you have to pass Obamacare in order to know what’s in
it (this is the largest group), or
g. a journalist blinded by panic
about losing their job if they dare to tell even part of the truth or
wander off the reservation."
Read the whole thing.