Somethings are smart, like more soldiers and better intelligence.
But somethings make you wonder if there is any person in France who has any concept of reality any more:
Here are some of the plans. I mean what could possibly go wrong?
My questions: Why should any allegedly civilized country have to "fight against radicalization in prison"?
Or "combat radicalization in prison"?
If you have let such individuals into your country and let them fester there, it's too late. There is no such thing as a 'fight' or a 'battle' against 'radicalization'. You've lost that 'battle' when you choose to fight "it" instead of identify the real problem and refuse to simply try a strategy of damage control and containment within the mucked-up reality on the ground that your suicidal elites have wrought upon your country.
Why does anyone think this will work?
- Muslim prison chaplains: To fight against
radicalization in prison, Valls said an extra 60 Muslim chaplains will
be employed, on top of the existing 182. Two of the Paris gunmen, Amedy
Coulibaly and Cherif Kouachi, are believed to have turned to radical
Islam in prison where they met.
- Radicalized inmates housed together: Another
measure aimed at combating radicalization in prisons will see five new
centres created where inmates, who are already radicalized, will be
housed together. THis is based on a pilot scheme already in place at the
Fresnes prison in France.