Via evil seeeekrit Jew Kathy Draidlebaum, this round up from Ed Driscoll about what it means when Jews are forced to flee a country.
It means that country is going to hell in a handbasket.
So, French Jews might be looking for greener pastures in the UK, but believe me-British Jews are going to be packing their bags, in droves, very shortly. French Jews should be aware that the UK must be considered just a very temporary fix.
For both French and British leaders to say 'but we wouldn't be France/the UK without 'our' Jews' is a big rich right now.
Far from being a heartrending expression of love for the Jews, it is more of a pathetic realization (too little, too late) that 'multiculturalism'-or more like the cultural flooding and suicide by immigration-has failed their nations miserably.
So, they weep a few crocodile tears because the Jews are plotting their exit strategies while they are still alive to do so-but the subtext is really: OH BOY DID WE EVER F&CK THIS UP.
And remember-it starts with the Jews but never ends with the Jews.