A good one indeed from Kevin Williamson at NRO:
"I am in favor of arranging the laws to permit gay couples to
arrange their domestic affairs in whatever way they see fit, and to have
those affairs blessed by whatever authorities are inclined to bless
them: Episcopalian church, Sam’s Club, Taylor Swift, Grand Mystic Royal
Order of the Nobles of the Ali Baba Temple of the Shrine — it’s a free
country, Sunshine.
"Unlike Barack Obama, I did not arrive at my views on
same-sex affairs recently and at a moment of political convenience. But,
that being said, the idea that lurking in the penumbras of our
18th-century Constitution is a fundamental national right to gay
marriage is simply preposterous. It is not there. It is a fiction, and,
just like the Harry Potter novels, the fact that it is very, very
popular does not mean that it is not fiction."