I don't think the GOP understand the word "win" like you and I do.
"Again and again some sect of the D.C. GOP develops a sweeping policy
proposal –in secret– unveils it to great expectations and the nods of
Beltway elites, and then are shocked to find their base voters are
adamantly opposed. Again and again the chief sponsors of legislation
refuse to listen to anyone not already inside their circles, and every
time big Beltway interests distort the desires of party regulars. Again
and again, shocked D.C. elites who were expecting acclaim get hit with a
tidal wave of disdain."
"Every time the chief sponsors refuse to talk to the base via talk
radio, key cable shows, or social media. Every time they refuse to
answer tough questions and engage the base in conversations before they
unveil the New Coke. And every time they pull a dead rabbit out of
their hats and are shocked when talk radio and cable news audiences are
appalled and angry and erupt on Twitter or other forums."
Why won't they deliver what conservative voters want?
America needs a third party.