The oily, supine politicians "serving" you (serving you a whole pile of steaming dogsqueeze that is..) or your own lying eyes?
The great Douglas Murray notes:
"Of course, the problem that the Prime Minister got into on this
occasion is the same problem he and all other world leaders get into
whenever they adopt the "Islam is a religion of peace" line. What they
are perfectly understandably trying to do is to disentangle more than a
billion Muslims worldwide (and specifically the tens of millions of
Muslims in Western democracies) from the violent jihadists in their
religion. At the same time, they -- again understandably -- hope to give
the message to their non-Muslim publics that they should not blame
Muslims everywhere for the actions of this violent minority."
"This is a laudable aim [Ed. note: actually, it's not] , but it is doomed to failure because members
of the public no longer rely on either politicians or the mainstream
media as their only sources of information or news. They can perfectly
well get on the internet and find things out for themselves, and it is
in this growing gulf between what politicians say and what the general
public can perfectly easily find out for itself that a real long-term
danger could emerge."
Here's what I see in France.
Do French Jews see what I see?
Do French "leaders" see what I see?
How many more Jewish kids will have to get pulverized or murdered before the community officially declares the end of French Jewry and moves on?
This is not a matter of 'not being intimidated' or 'letting fear win'.
Those are trite platitudes that divert attention away from the existential threat posed by radical Islam in Europe to Jews.
Jews must decide to leave with suitcases, and not in coffins.