Chomp on this stuff:
Fearless, ballsy Jew: "Why I Walked Out of My Shul During the Israel Bonds Pitch", this is really good, read the whole thing.
Hillary Clinton calls Bibi (oops, oh sorry "Israel"), 'cocky'. I don't know about you, but I think it should be illegal for any Clinton to use any derivative of "cock".
For the ladies via MAC and Buzzfeed: how to do your make-up so you don't look awful in pictures.
(You're welcome.)
And lastly:
Oregon bakers refuse to pay Gay Jizyah.
This has a number of highly creepy bits in it. How about this:
"It's difficult to understand the Kleins' unwillingness to pay the debt when they have, very publicly, raised nearly a half million dollars," labor bureau spokesman Charlie Burr told The Oregonian in an email Wednesday."
"They are entitled to a full and fair review of the case, but do not have the right to disregard a legally binding order."
How difficult to understand is NUTS TO YOU?!??! THEIR MONEY. NOT YOURS.
Not only that but how about that attitude-they got so much money, what's a hundred thousand to them? What's the big deal? OMG. HELLO, it's the principle of the thing. Some people still have PRINCIPLES.
And that line 'they are entitled to a full and fair review of the case, but do not have the right to disregard a legally binding order' is also breathtaking.
It reminds me when an Alberta "Human Rights" investigator made the incredibly stupid mistake of telling Ezra Levant that he had the right to his own opinion FER SURE.
What that really means is that you have the right to THEIR opinion. Not your own.
So nuts to that, too.
And a full and fair review? What the hell?
And who in America nowadays follows the law and the constitution? Only suckers. Not the White House.
This article really made my blood boil for so many reasons.