Monday, November 26, 2012

Jewish Blogger With Thing For Christmas Music Gives Advice

Get onto this contest now!

Send your favourite Christmas stories to Andrew and you could win Mark Steyn's Christmas album: Making Spirits Bright.

It's really good!

In the words of my own father "Hey, whose the babe with Steyn????"

Is that an endorsement or what?

Seriously-it's a win win situation: Christmas stories and right-wing conservative hatey hater Islamophobic human rights activist Christmas musical morsels (not Morsis)-almost all in one.  Crank up the Christmas music! Now is really the time to concentrate on the positive.

The album is lots of fun. I know because I have it, and I listened to it for a full week following the election. It's the cure for conservative post-election malaise!

If you don't enter Andrew's contest, or buy it on your own from the Steyn store, THE TERRORISTS WILL HAVE WON.

Just sayin....