It's a wonderful story, may he rest in peace.
He shipped out to the Pacific with the words of his Bar Mitzvah rabbi still ringing in his ears: “Whatever you do, always put on tefillin.”
"And Jules Lassner did just that throughout his service in the Marine Corps during World War II, and in the decades that followed. The routine of civilian life fades fast in the blood and mess of war, but Lassner, who passed away on Nov. 27 at age 92, never missed putting on tefillin, despite the difficulties."
"In June of 1944 Lassner took part in an amphibious assault on the island of Saipan. Almost immediately after landing and taking the beachhead his unit found itself under heavy artillery fire from the Japanese. They quickly dug foxholes, strapped their helmets on, placed their packs over their heads and held on tightly for nearly 24 hours of bombardment."
In terms of his personality, I thought this part was very inspiring and revealing. I know a select number of individuals who also have this capacity, for really listening. It's not just a skill, it's a real blessing:
“At Orach Chaim, the first stop for most on Shabbos or Yom Tov was to go over to greet Jules. And that wasn’t just when he became an older man; people showed their respect and affection for him that way 30 years ago, too.”
Rohr says that observing Lassner’s faith in G‑d was in itself an education for many.
“He was a tough Marine who had seen all sorts of things, and his private prayer was like no other,” Rohr recalls.
Rohr says that observing Lassner’s faith in G‑d was in itself an education for many.
“He was a tough Marine who had seen all sorts of things, and his private prayer was like no other,” Rohr recalls.
“It inspired anyone who had the privilege of seeing him in synagogue.”