Rather busy lately making holiday plans.
My plan is always modest: stay sane, have a bit of fun and try to ring in the New Year with as many brain cells as I had the previous year.
Anyway, here's a link dump of stuff that has caught my eye, for your reading pleasure/horror.
North America:
John Moskovitch: "One rabbi's story of change". This is a very interesting essay on his move from the left to the right. I thought it was particularly interesting how the liberal, reform Jewish community tried to silence him throughout his intellectual journey.
Ezra Levant: Trudeau is a "buffoon" and the stupidest leader in the world". True.
Sultan Knish: "Muslims don't like Muslims and really don't like Jews."
More Knish: "Being thankful for the Left" (really good).
Bret Stephens: "Fighting terror by self-reproach", in which Stephens coins the magnificent phrase "Obama's scolding homily" for the American people. That's just brilliant. Wish I had thought of that.
Demand for weapons skyrocketing. Gee, I wonder why?
Culture of Death, man with Down Syndrome given death sentence at public, NHS hospital.
16 Israeli startups that are ready for take-off.