What a vulgar, unnecessary and disgusting display of excess-WHEN AMERICA IS BROKE.
Is it possible for this President to take himself any more seriously?
"The president will arrive on Tuesday night with a 900-strong entourage, including 45 vehicles and three cargo planes. Advance security teams orchestrating every last detail have combed Brussels already, checking the sewers and the major hospitals, while American military helicopters were last week given the green light for overflights."
I cannot wait to see who his translator will be this time!!
Last trip abroad the security folks really did a bang up job!
Well worth every penny.
He does so very well on these trips.

"The city hosts at least four EU summits a year, with each of these gatherings costing €500,000 in extra police, military and transport expenses."
"But this time round, you can multiply that figure by 20," said Brussels mayor, Yvan Mayeur."
Will President Obama bow down again to the Saudi King like last time on his imminent "NO JEWS ALLOWED" trip to the Happy Kingdom?