Monday, March 24, 2014

Most Excellent: Ontario Pisses Off Iranians, Awards Iranian Assets to Terror Survivors

This is amazing.

Well done!

We may not be able to extinguish every terrorist, but we should always be trying to exhaust their resources. We can never stop fighting back.

Not ever.

"An Ontario judge’s decision to hand Iran’s $7-million worth of state assets in Canada to victims of terrorism was branded “politically motivated” and of “no legal value” by the Islamic republic on the weekend."

"Through its state-controlled media, Iran lashed out at an Ontario Superior Court of Justice ruling that gave terror victims the money that Iran had stashed in Canadian bank accounts, as well as two properties in Toronto and Ottawa."

"But after failing to defend itself in court, Tehran’s protest was too little, too late. Following last week’s judgment, sheriffs have been ordered to sell Iran’s properties, empty its bank accounts and divide the proceeds between several terror victims. "