This is great:
"...nothing scientific is ever quite settled..."
"Despite the Western inductive method and freedom of expression, however,
human nature remains tribal. Scientists, like everyone else, find
comfort in what is familiar, orthodox, and shared by their peers. Often
they have invested lives and careers in ensuring that status-quo
theories become unquestioned. They can be deeply suspicious of what is
not institutionalized, and on occasion wildly intolerant of the
"Just as the Church became invested in refuting Galileo for obvious
reasons — a cosmos not revolving around a human-inhabited earth might
lessen the majesty of our own creator and, by extension, the Church
hierarchy — so too global warming is caught up in political orthodoxy."
"And it involves billions of dollars in research moneys, careers in
academia and government, and lucrative advocacy of the sort engaged in
by Al Gore, who has had an unfortunate tendency first to alarm us about
global warming and then to step in to offer his profit-making remedies
to avert it
Read the whole thing.